**Editors Note** I wrote this post very late last night so this is the dormant side of me that only tends to come out when I am extremely tired! Kind of like the friend that tells all when they get drunk I guess... Please just keep that in mind as you read. Thank you.
I don't know much about politics or why people do/say the things they do. I don't like obnoxious loudmouths that think their word is law. I try to learn what I can in life to make myself better. I do my best to have an open mind to those who have different beliefs than I do but at the end of the day I am a small fish in a very large pond.
Politics: Throughout my measly 25 years of existence, Politics has played a small role in my life. In grade school and on into Middle and High School you had social politics. I always kept myself out of the political running, involving myself in many different social groups. Looking back on it of course there were things that I would have done differently. Keeping my nose out of the clouds and close to the ground however I would do again. As I have grown older I've noticed that "Politics", a word I used to think only existed on CNN and the evening news, was apparent in every aspect of life. For example, Office Politics. I don't think it matters where you work, Circuit City, New York Life or even Wendy's, Politics is present there too. Then there's the obvious Politics that are especially prevalent now when considering a candidate for president. I've tried to educate myself, so that I can be a responsible citizen and let my voice be heard. The more I've learned however, the more I've realized that my voice is going to get lost. Lost in the sea of every other American Citizen who wants the best for themselves, their family and their country. I've also realized that the more I learn, the more I want nothing to do with Politics of any kind. To the point that I'm not going to vote. I know some of you may be appalled by my decision but it is mine to make. I know that a lot of people feel the same way but society has come up with a clever way to make us feel bad for feeling this way.
"If you don't vote, then you don't have any right to complain."
I guess my time machine worked and I'm back in High School with the "Popular" kids telling me that I have to do and say what they think is right in order to fit in. Well guess what? I don't want to fit in. Send me back to reality where if you tell lies, you're going to get your a$$ handed to you on the playground because you screwed over your friend. I didn't need you to listen to me anyway, I've got my faithful reader to listen to that.
Global Warming: I know this is a topic that has died down in recent months with the upcoming presidential elections but I just want to say that I don't appreciate being told that I'm destroying the planet. I know some people really truly believe that in a couple of years, we are going to be floating around in some sort of "Waterworld". If that is the case, bring on the gills baby I love the ocean! I know others think that it is a crock and just another way the "Liberals" are crying out for Political Correctness. This is like Politics and I'm just going to walk away. I'm going to do what I can to make sure that conserve energy, of course! Am I going to do what I can to help the environment? Sure, when I remember to. Am I going to go around telling everyone to stop farting because they are ruining the ozone layer? NO! I know butt doctors would be fine with that because they'd have a huge jump in business with all the guys that stopped farting. Off topic and crude I know, I'm sorry. But I don't think Mother Earth voted so I guess she doesn't have the right to complain...?