Yeah I know the picture sucks but if you've been there, then you know the one I'm talking about (its on the left side). So me being your typical doofus, I wanted to try and get as much speed as possible. I succeeded and Kerra's brother said I caught about 3.5 feet of air on the hump! Well continuing to be the doofus I didn't change my speed as I coasted into the pool at the bottom and proceeded to fly across and slam, literally, into the opposite wall. It was all worth it though, especially when I was in mid air and I could hear the "oooo's" and "ahhh's" from the people below. Even the "Ohhhhh's" were worth it when I hit the wall. Well, maybe not worth the goose egg I had on my knee from the stairs but fun none the less.
Sunday was also a great day. As many of you may know, we just moved into a new house and thus, a new ward and one of our neighbors is someone you may know. Tom Monson? Ever heard of him? Yeah, he's the prophet and president of the LDS Church. And its ok if I call him Tom because everyone else in the ward does! That doesn't mean that I won't address him as properly whenever I speak to him mind you. Anyways he came to our ward on Sunday and even spoke so that was totally awesome! You can read all about what went down on our family's blog
What he forgot to tell all of you is that...even his wife got up the courage to do then scary one on the right side.....
Richard you need to give your wife more Credit. When she does scary things please let us know
Kerra you can make the check out to cash.
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