Thursday, July 31, 2008

Book Review/plug for a friend

So this review is coming a little late in that I read the book about 6 months ago. None the less I feel that it is my obligation to post a review for this book seeings how a friend of mine wrote it!

Monster Hunter International is a great read! Until recently (about 7 months ago) I was an unrealized fan of monster everything. I had watched a couple zombie movies like Shaun of the Dead and your Resident Evils and indulged in the occasional Vampire flick like Blade or Underworld but never considered myself more than a casual fan. Then there was Larry's book... I'll be honest Larry, if you read this, I bought your book to support you in your writing endeavors. I hadn't really planned on reading the book and once I started reading the book I didn't think I'd enjoy it. I was stupid! After I finished reading it (two days) I realized I should have bought another copy! Now you can't find them anywhere because it was picked up by a major publisher and won't be re-released until sometime later I'm not sure when. Enough small talk though just read the sample chapter from Larry's Blog and I think you might become a fan as well. The book has everything! Guns, monsters, great one liners, a bit of religious superstition and the right amount of romance to intrigue any man and I hope satisfy the lady folks. Give it a read although you won't be able to find a copy to buy for a while I'll loan you mine with a $20 security deposit! Check out his blog too, he's got some great political rants and you're sure to always find something funny to read!

Wednesday, July 30, 2008


So I read on a website about writing that it's really good to get a lot of feedback to help you along with your book so you know if you're appealing to your readers. So what do I need to do to get some feedback? Do you need more of the story than just that one little section? I can do that, I just need to know... maybe I just need people to read my blog huh?

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

I can dream right?

Am I alone when I say that this is one of the coolest motorcycles out there? Some of you may recognize it from the X-Men movies as being Scott Summers' (Cyclops) bike. I think it rocks and I want one. I just need to convince the wife now...

little bit of the book...

As promised...

... Just as I raised my fists above my head, time seemed to stop, or maybe it was me. I heard something inside my head, a snapping sound. All the times I had held myself back faded away and freedom coursed through my veins. The tingling of my my muscles tearing vibrated throughout my body. Time continued as I brought my fists down as hard as I could on their target but I failed to connect. Instead of colliding with the hardened steel doors of the elevator my hands were introduced to a softer substance not unlike the metal tins used for cooking lasagna in. I know it sounds strange but when I opened my eyes the elevator doors were there. Only they were crumpling under the barrage of my fists exposing the chasm within. I stepped back as fear made its way into my mind. "Oh no!" I thought. "Did someone see that?" I looked around frantically only to see that I was alone. I was also lucky because my work had not installed security cameras on this floor yet. Just as I started to calm down I could hear running though. I turned to see two security guards rounding the corner on my position.
"What happened?!" the taller one yelled. "Is everyone ok?"
"I'm fine..." I choked out. Still somewhat shocked at what I had done. My mind raced for an explanation knowing they would want one.
"I just pushed the call button when the elevator made a crazy noise and the doors were sucked inward..." It was a ridiculous explanation I know, but for one reason or another it had some validity. Ever since we moved into this new building they had been having problems with the electrical systems, heating and the A/C and now this. The shorter security guard looked worried and said "lucky you weren't on it!" I could only nod at this point I couldn't think of any other lies to tell them. He continued with "We'll get maintenance to take a look at it and see what we can do. For now, I strongly suggest you take the stairs." I nodded again and headed toward the stairs trying to hide my anxiety as best I could I made it to the door and was gone.

There you have it, a small portion of the book where the main character Rob just had a bad day at work and let loose. If you have any feed back for me please let me know because I don't want to get going in one direction only to find out that it sucks. Thanks for reading!

Monday, July 28, 2008

Movie Reviews

I think I'm going to start tossing up some Reviews of stuff that I come across i.e. books, movies, video games, etc... So to kick it off...

"Here... we... Go!!!"

Please don't tell me that you haven't seen this movie... In my opinion this is one of, if not the best movie in the 2008 Season. My friend Tyler described the movie as being very "dark" and to tell you the truth I don't know any better word for it than Dark. It makes sense then that they would call in "The Dark Knight". The general feeling I got throughout the entire movie was that there wasn't going to be a happy ending. Even when it ends, it isn't a happy one but it is an ending that is very appropriate. I would strongly advise seeing the movie again if you've only seen it once. My second time to see it was just as good as the first, if not better! I picked up on subtle hints that I missed the first time around and still wasn't able to figure out where the pencil went! If you think it was the eye or the forehead please let me know! The best Batman Movie there is. Heath Ledger is the greatest Joker even better than Jack Nicholson in my opinion. I think he deserves an Oscar for how well he did.


I need suggestions for the Title of the book... I'm drawing a blank here but I'm looking for something original...


So here's the deal. I have an active imagination, in that I am always having random ideas pop into my head. For example, I am currently working on a book. I don't know if I want it to be a full blown novel or just a graphic novel style of comic book. I've got a friend of mine who's interested in being the artist for the graphic novel side if I choose to go that route but I need the opinions of my other friends to make a definite decision. I'll give you a basic run down to help you decide.

The main character in the book is a man who finds out he is a part of a family of "Noble Protectors" that keep the balance of good and evil in check. The book involves Vampires, Werewolves and things of that nature. Hopefully a lot of action and a bit of Romance.

I don't want to give too much away in case the book actually goes somewhere and you end up reading it down the road. I'll compile the first bits of writing that I have (please keep in mind my educational background and the fact that I'm an amateur writer at best) and post it on this blog for everyone to read it and give their input.